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= '$today' and (news_4_campus.news_for='01' or news_4_campus.news_for='05' or news_4_campus.news_for='03') AND news_4_campus.news_status='1' order by news_4_campus.post_date desc "; //$sqlstr="SELECT news.news_id, news.headline, news.post_date FROM news INNER JOIN news_group ON news.news_for = news_group.group_id where expire_date >= '".date("Ymd")."' order by post_date desc"; $result=mysql_db_query("allpurpose", $sqlstr); //echo "connected"; } else { echo "

ไม่สามารถติดต่อ ฐานข้อมูลได้ข่าวได้"; } ?>
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } ?>
"; $post_int_date = (int) $row[post_date]; if($today_int_date-$post_int_date<=2) { echo ""; } else{ echo ""; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo $row[headline]; echo " ["; echo substr($row[post_date],6,2)."/"; echo substr($row[post_date],4,2)."/"; $year= (int) substr($row[post_date],0,4); echo ($year+543)-2500; echo "]"; echo "